Who would've thought? We entered the year 2020 by making our New Year's resolutions, creating our 2020 Vision Boards, and hoping for the best as we set our hearts and minds on a brand-new year. By March 2020, our entire world faced a new reality that we didn’t envision for this year, as the Coronavirus swiftly made its way from country to country. Within weeks schools, churches, malls, restaurants, etc. began shutting down. The education system along with many other fields, were faced with the challenge of continuing operations at a distance. After being out of school for a week or two, school districts around the nation began coming up with plans to continue educating K-12 students. Traditional K-12 education as we once knew it, entered a new norm, eLearning.
Who would’ve thought that the primary form of education in the United States for over three months would be Online Learning. Platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams became the primary forms of communication between administrators, teachers, students, and parents. Who would’ve thought that every teacher within many school districts across the nation would now have to complete the 2019-2020 school year at home? As educators we met the challenge to help meet the needs of our students.
Fast-forward to the 2020-2021 school year. We have entered a new era in K-12 education. Teachers have now developed many skills associated with distance learning, students have experienced submitting 100% of their school work online, some parents have gotten the opportunity to see the phenomenal lessons designed by teachers, administrators have managed their entire school at a distance, and the list goes on. States have created plans and school districts have created plans to move forward with learning. I think we all are anxious to see how the changes that have taken place during this pandemic, will permanently impact the field of education.